Friday, July 02, 2010

Sandstone or Diamonds

I think I'm beginning to understand some of my wife's frustrations with me. To her it seems like I don't always go after the best things. In fact, sometimes I pass up things which would be great to have on my way to get something of lesser value. With that perspective, here I my dream I had two nights ago:

It was bright outside, almost too bright in places; but the clouds made it seem as though the entire scenic hillside was part of an enormous indoor studio.

The man following me wore a nice suite and tie and a seemingly permanent smile. He was balding slightly; but his slick dark hair gave no hint of graying. I wore a more casual outfit, cargo pants and a brown t-shirt.

I was collecting some of the harder sandstone with a reddish tone to it in an attempt to make some kine of large linked ring (hey, just because it was my dream doesn't mean I really understand it).

While collecting this specific reddish sandstone rock I was climbing a cliff, which my follower in his suite could not accomplish. As I reached the top I saw a long ditch that was filled with heaping mounds of uncut diamonds and other precious jewels.

Two people, also at the top, groaned that now that I was there I would take all the diamonds. I informed them not to worry, that I was only looking for the reddish sandstone rock, and I left them, and the jewels alone.

Strange how my wife's frustrations sometimes show up in my dreams. :D

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Object

There it sat, surely outweighed by a small cup, yet the hard metal against the cool colored cloth made it seem much heavier. One man, gray hair flailing out from the sides and back of his head, peered closely at it. His mouth hung a bit open with his lazy gaze. His eyes were open wide with an excitement slowed down by age. A girl, prettied by shades of blue and white on her dress, stood clinging to her mother's legs. She spied it standing sideways, a little bit of fear seen flowing from her eyes and face. Another man stood tall, his arms folded tightly across his chest, the tails of his thin shirt flowing with the slight sea breaze. His face wore something akin to a scowl, yet there was a hint of curiosity in those eyes as they studied the object. They each knew what it meant. One of them would have to make a choice. Time seemed to echo throughout the chamber making each second last that much longer. The small group shifted uncomfortably, waiting for the choice. Their impatience was unfounded, a decision had already been made. Slowly, as this new scene stirred, their minds unfolded, their hearts pounded faster. None of them could have imagined a wonder such as this.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Beginning

Life gets busy and then never seems to stop. There are so many important things going on in everone's life.

I wake up at 6:00 am every morning, get ready, and go to work... I work until 9:00 pm and then come home by 10:00 pm. I then do homework until maybe 12:00. Then I hop into bed with my wife (by 1:00 am) who gets to see me a whole 1 or 2 hours a day (while I'm doing homework). I do that five days a week, and then the sixth day I only work 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. On the seventh day, I rest... yeah right. I go to church and do church functions for at least three hours on Sunday, then I have a lot of little things that need to be done that couldn't be done the other days, and then we go to our parents (usually mine) for dinner. Then we go to her parents to help them with computer questions and to eat their icecream. After that we usually get home around 10:30 and get to bed around 12:00 (making 6 hours of sleep... yipee).

My wife is due to have our second baby (a boy we'll name Sage). I sure hope she has the baby soon so I can take some time off work. It'll be nice to take a break; but I'll be doing a lot of work with the new baby and recovering wife. Our first child (a girl named Jade, about 21 months) is quite the adventurer as well, so I'm sure I'll be busy keeping her occupied so she doesn't try to "help" us with the baby.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Primal Forge

Completion of test zero. Check profile. Start first blog...

Family is what gives meaning in life. Truth is more than simply objective.